Click the yellow "Donate" button above to donate to the Nashville Musicians Association Crisis Assistance Fund.
— Donations are tax-deductible
Click the donate button below to give to the Local 257 Funeral Benefit Fund. (These donations are not tax-deductible)
If you need to apply to the Crisis Assistance fund click link below:
NMACAF Application for Assistance
Download completed form and send to: crisisfund@nashvillemusicians.org
Musicians: Need help? CMA has a large database of assistance resources — from food insecurity to medical help
CLICK HERE for full list.
MUSICIANS: Please read the below guidelines for working smart and staying healthy!
Although the COVID-19 crisis has now been recategorized as endemic, there are still a lot of cases in the U.S. and around the world.
AFM Local 257 has compiled suggested guidelines for safely returning to work. Click here to read the SUGGESTED GUIDELINES FOR WORKING SAFELY
Here is a link to the recently released AFM Federation Safety Guidelines. Click here to read or download the PDF
Nashville Mayor John Cooper’s COVID-19 Response Fund
The more than $1 million fund, housed by United Way of Greater Nashville and chaired by former Senator Dr. Bill Frist, will deploy resources to community-based organizations. Funding decisions will be made by an advisory committee including former Sony Music Nashville CEO Joe Galante.
Music Health Alliance COVID-19 Resources – a relief grant for musicians that need immediate financial support.
ACM Lifting Lives Fund - The ACM has help for musicians affected by COVID 19.
In addition, here are a few additional non-Nashville oriented resource websites to check out:
As I have mentioned before, the AFM website has a lot of information and resources, and is being updated regularly. Here’s a link directly to the Covid-19 resource list on the home page: https://www.afm.org/covid-19/ You do not have to sign in to view this page.
Equal Sound Corona Relief Fund – for musicians who have lost income due to a canceled gig or gigs as a result of the coronavirus outbreak can apply to receive money.
Freelancer COVID-19 Emergency Fund – a fund for creative freelancers who have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 virus to apply for temporary assistance.
MusicCovidRelief.com – Information on how to receive unemployment as a result of losses from the COVID national emergency, applying for small business loans, advances and loan forgiveness related to the COVID national emergency, and organizations providing relief and potential grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, and additional resources from other organizations.
Here is one more link to a Nashville-based organization offering help to musicians:
Free financial counseling available in Davidson County
The Financial Empowerment Center, which offers free one-on-one financial counseling to Davidson County residents, is shifting its focus and has started offering its services and expertise via telephone to be more accessible to those affected by the tornado and the coronavirus pandemic.
“Normally our work revolves around building credit, managing debt and setting financial goals,” Empowerment Center director Samantha Williams said. But now, with many Nashvillians experiencing financial challenges in the wake of the March 3 tornado or this COVID- 19 outbreak, the counseling focus is shifting.
“Counseling now will be a lot more about budgeting and managing your resources in the short term, including federal assistance checks,” Williams said. “We will have up- to- date information on local resources and provide financial guidance, such as calling your credit card company to pause payments.“ The Financial Empowerment Center reassigned counselors who were at Nashville State Community College to bolster the team working with people who need extra help in the midst of these two unexpected disasters, Williams said. The counselors have gone through additional training and are now booking phone sessions.
“Nashvillians who are hurting right now may not be used to accessing social services, and the Financial Empowerment Center can help them navigate that system and hopefully connect them to services like unemployment and emergency financial assistance,“ Williams said.
The counseling service, provided at no charge through a partnership between United Way and the Mayor’s Office, is available by making an appointment at fec.nashville.gov or by calling 615-748-3620.
Dave Pomeroy
President, Nashville Musicians Association, AFM Local 257