Member Profile
Primary tabs

Baritone Horn
Bass Trombone

Bass Trumpet







Valve Trombone










Home Studio:Yes




Additional Skiills:PRODUCER





High School Band Director by day; trombone professor by night; freelance trombone, low brass! Performance/education!
Resume / Bio:
128 Allen Drive
Hendersonville, TN 37075
(615) 824-4977: home
(615) 824-6162: work
(615) 957-9008: cell
1979 DuPont High School, Hermitage, TN; ranked 11th in class of 350
1984 Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN; Bachelor of Music
Education, Magna Cum Laude (GPA 3.86)
1986 Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY; Master of Arts in
Education (Music major) with honors (GPA 3.92)
1986 Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY; 8 additional credit
hours toward Rank I Teaching Certificate in Secondary Education
(Guidance and Counseling)
1999 Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN; Education Specialist degree
in Secondary Education; Graduation with honors (GPA 4.0); field study
entitled “Implications of the 4 x 4 Block Schedule on High School Students”
2011 California Coast University, Santa Ana, CA; Doctorate of Education (Ed.D.), dissertation entitled “Towards Curriculum Standards in the Band and Orchestra Class”
Teaching Experience:
Student teaching at Franklin High School, Hillsboro Middle School, and
Grassland Elementary School, Franklin, TN Wayne Simpson, Teaching
Supervisor, 1983
Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY; duties included assistant
Director of WKU Marching Band, Pep Band, Jazz Band, Trombone choir
in addition to serving as a low brass private instructor for all low brass
private instructor for all low brass music minors and all Freshman and
Sophomore music majors, 1984-1986
Hendersonville High School, Hendersonville, TN; duties involved the directing of
The Concert Band program (including the Wind Ensemble and Symphonic
Band), the Marching Band, the String Orchestra, and the Jazz Ensembles,
and Honor and Advanced Placement Music Theory; also developed and implemented Honors Credit Program with ABRSM Exams
(150 students), 1986-2002; 2007-present
Ellis Middle School, Hendersonville, TN; duties involved teaching middle school
band classes for grades 6, 7, and 8, in addition to an extra-curricular jazz
band; this school began in the Fall of 1994 and all aspects of the program
had to be designed and implemented, 1994-1996
Private Low Brass Teacher, 1978-present (Glasgow, Bowling Green,
and Franklin, KY; Murfreesboro, Nashville, Franklin, and Hendersonville, TN)
Musician: freelance in the Nashville area including the Main Street Jazz Band,
Nashville Wind Ensemble, Tennessee Philharmonic Orchestra,
Bowling Green Chamber Orchestra; substitute with the Nashville
Symphony and Gaylord Entertainment/Opryland USA/General Jackson
Belmont University, Nashville, TN; Mentor for students in the School of Music’s
Graduate program in Music Education, 1996-1997
Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY; adjunct instructor of
Trombone; Trombone Choir Director; Fall 2001-2005
Pope John Paul II High School, Hendersonville, TN; director of instrumental
Music; responsibility for the formation and organization of all aspects
of the instrumental music department and curriculum including classes in
Concert Band, Symphonic Band, String Orchestra, Beginning Guitar,
Jazz Improvisation Combo, and Advanced Placement Music Theory; 2002-2007
Tennessee Governor’s School for the Arts, Low Brass Instructor; duties included
low brass (trombone, euphonium, tuba) daily master classes, private
lessons, coaching brass quintet and brass ensemble, music theory seminar;
Summer, 2002
Belmont University, Nashville, TN; adjunct instructor of Trombone; member of
The Belmont Brass Faculty Quintet; brass ensemble coaching; Summer, 2005-present
International Trombone Festival; faculty, 2011 (Nashville)
Clinics for trombone, low brass throughout the Southeast, sponsored by
Jupiter Band Instruments
Kappa Delta Pi, Education Honor society, Theta Omicron chapter (MTSU)
Good Shepherd United Methodist Church, Church Council Member, 2000-2003;
Chair of Sound/AV Team, 1998-2003
Saundersville United Methodist Church, Pastor-Parish Relations Committee
(2007-present); Trustee (2007-present); Lay Leader (2008-present)
1982 World’s Fair Band member; Knoxville International Energy Exposition
Music Educators National Conference; chairman for the First International
MENC/Tri-M Honors Ensembles for the National MENC Convention,
Nashville, 2002
Tennessee Music Educators Association (All-State Jazz Band chairman, 1996-
97); selected member to the TMEA Commission for the Future of Music
Education in Tennessee; selected as member of the TMEA All-State
Long-Range Planning Committee; selected as candidate for TMEA
President-elect; Executive Board member, 1999-2002; selected at TMEA
State Band Chair, 2004-2006; Instrumental Commission Chair, 2009-2011; President-elect, 2012-2014; President, 2014-2016
Middle Tennessee School Band and Orchestra Association (executive board,
1992-94; jazz band chairman, 1995-1999; president-elect, 1997-1999; president, 1999-2001; vice-president, 2001-2003)
International Trombone Association, 1976-present
International Association of Jazz Educators (vice-president, 1992-93; president-
Elect, 1993-95; president, 1995-97: Tennessee Chapter)
American Federation of Musicians, Local 257, Nashville, TN
(member since 1982); 25 year pin presented 2007
American School Band Directors Association, elected into membership, 1998;
Appointed State Chairman, Tennessee Chapter, 2001-present
Elected as Member at Large to National Executive Board, 2004-2007
Elected as National Treasurer, 2005-2007
Elected as National President-Elect, 2007-2008
National President, 2008-2009
National Associate Membership Chair, 2011-present
National Catholic Band Association, member 2002-2007; Tennessee chair
National Association of College Wind and Percussion Instructors, member,
Awards, Honors, Appointments:
Listed in: Who’s Who Among American Colleges and Universities
Who’s Who in Teaching
Who’s Who in Music
Dictionary of International Biography
Phi Kappa Phi, Honor Society, WKU, 1986
American School Band Directors Association, Tennessee “Young Band Director
of the Year,” 1992
American School Band Directors Association-United Musical Instruments:
Distinguished Band Director Award, Tennessee recipient, 1997
Tennessee Arts Academy, participant, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996
Phi Beta Mu, International Band Conductor’s Fraternity
Student Teacher supervision: Students teachers from Belmont University,
Cumberland University, Middle Tennessee State University, David
Lipscomb University, Tennessee Technological University,
Vanderbilt University, Tennessee State University
Selected as a “Fellowship” participant for the 1996, 1998, 1999 Tennessee Tech
University Conductor’s Symposium
Selected as a “Participant” in the 1996 International Conductor’s Festival in
Kerkrade, Netherlands
Guest Conductor: Central Tennessee Honor Band, University of Tennessee
Honor Band, MTSBOA Mid-State Band, Nashville Independent Schools
Honor Band, Parochial School Honor Band, Tri-Lakes Honor Band,
Metro-Schools Summer Junior High Band, Rutherford County (TN)
All-Star Senior High Band (2 times Sr. Hi.; one time Jr. Hi.), Lawrence County High School Honor Band, Montgomery County High School All-County Band, WTSBOA and ETSBOA Regional Jazz Bands, ETSBOA All-East Concert Clinic Band, UT Martin Honor Band, MTSBOA Junior
High Jazz Band, Metro-Nashville High School Honor Band, Robertson County Honor Band (2 times Sr. Hi.), Tennessee Tech University Festival of Winds and Percussion Honor Band, EKU Honor Band, North Carolina Region 5 Jazz Clinic (Middle School)
Adjudicator for concert, jazz, marching, solo and ensemble festivals in Kentucky,
Tennessee, South Carolina
Co-writer: MENC’s “Teaching Strategies for the Elementary and Middle School
Contributing author to ASBDA Research project on “Music Literature for Young
Bands, grade 5-8”
Author of articles in the “School Band and Orchestra” magazine and
“BandWorld” magazine (BandWorld articles include “Planning the Curriculum,” “Beginning Jazz Ensemble,” “Preparing for Travel Emergencies,” and “New and Innovative Music Ensemble”)
Reviewer for brass music and publications for “National Association of Wind
And Percussion Instructors” Journal (10 reviews/articles)
Appointed to the ASBDA’s Strategic Planning Committee, 1999
Selected as participant in the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
pilot teacher assessment project for music education (2001)
Certified by Tennessee State Department of Education as an in-school evaluator,
Recipient of Hendersonville Chamber of Commerce Foundation grant for teachers
2003-2004; 2004-2005; 2011-2012
Conducted musical theater for Hendersonville High School and Hendersonville
“Steeple Players” (productions include: Anything Goes; West Side Story; My Fair Lady; Fiddler on the Roof; The Hobbit; Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat; Oklahoma!; Bye Bye Birdie, Annie Get Your Gun, Singing In The Rain)
Trombone student of:
Horace Beasley, Jr., Middle Tennessee State University
Roger Bissell, freelance performer (currently Hollywood, CA)
Steven Grugin, Western Kentucky University (currently
Northern Michigan University)
Larry Borden, Nashville Symphony Orchestra
Susan K. Smith, Nashville Symphony Orchestra and
Austin Peay State University
Other community organizations:
Hendersonville Arts Council, member, 1987-89
Nashville Singers Advisory Board, 2012-present
Good Shepherd United Methodist Church,
Worship Area Work Area Committee Chair
Staff-Parish Relations Council
Administrative Council
Audio Team Chair
Nashville Emmaus Community, Walk 137
Saundersville United Methodist Church,
Pastor-Parish Relations Committee
Administrative Council
Worship Committee
Board of Trustees
Lay Leader
Certified Lay Speaker, Cumberland District, United Methodist
Church (2008-present)
London Symphony Orchestra Educational Project, steering committee member
For 2002 Nashville USA Tour and Concert
Nashville Symphony Orchestra’s Steering Committee for new Symphony Hall
Jupiter Band Instruments, Inc. Performing Artist/Educational
Clinician (2009-present)
Free and Accepted Masons, Hendersonville Lodge, 359
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Memorial Reunion Class
(Henry Christopher), #207; Knight of St.Andrew
York Rite Mason/Knight Templar, Tennessee, Nashville
Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Al Menah Temple